It’s that time again. Time for another Microsoft UC User Group meeting here in London, this time in January back at our original home of Bow Bells House. This time around, it’s all about mobility baby!
With the Lync Mobility pieces all out in the wild and the Android and Windows Phone clients available, everybody’s talking about the new Lync Mobile client. We’ll be covering the architecture, explaining how it works, how you configure your Lync environment, demoing the clients and much more.
Hopefully the iPhone/iPad app will be in the App Store by then also, so we’ll be able to demo those as well.
We’ve also teamed up with Audiocodes to bring you information about their new mobility and call recording solution and as usual Adam, Tom and I will bring you all the latest Lync Server 2010 news to close up the night.
And it wouldn’t be a user group without a few pints afterwards at the pub next door. 🙂
Where: Bow Bells House, 1 Bread Street EC4M 9BE London (Map Link)
When: 6pm, Jan 19th 2012
For more info including the agenda and the registration link, check out the post on the MUCUG London blog here.